Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lesbian Pulp Fiction…What's in a Name?

Different novels by different authors were often given the same name during the Golden Age of Lesbian Pulp. Apparently back then it was OK to steal book titles from each other. Mmm…I guess they could be called Sex Thieves. Heh, what's in a name? 

'Reformatory Girls' by Ray Morrison

A different 'Reformatory Girls' by Nedra Tyre

'Sex in the Shadows' by Greg Hamilton

Another 'Sex in the Shadows' by Randy Salem

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  1. I don't think that most publishers much worry about issues of courtesy. That leaves only legality.

    It not only was but remains quite legal to give the same title to different works.

    Titles as such come under protection of trademark law. Courts tend to be reluctant to acknowledge any sort of exclusive rights to everyday words and to phrases constructed in ordinary ways. (One notable exception was the judge who actually accepted that Microsoft could trademark the bare word “Windows”.)

    1. Thanks, I didn't know that, but it's amazing how often they did that. Very interesting fact about 'Windows', I guess the same applies for 'Apple' (?)


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