Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lesbian Pulp Fiction…What's in a Name?

Different novels by different authors were often given the same name during the Golden Age of Lesbian Pulp. Apparently back then it was OK to steal book titles from each other. Mmm…I guess they could be called Sex Thieves. Heh, what's in a name? 

'Reformatory Girls' by Ray Morrison

A different 'Reformatory Girls' by Nedra Tyre

'Sex in the Shadows' by Greg Hamilton

Another 'Sex in the Shadows' by Randy Salem

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sometimes One and Two don't make Three. Lesbians and The Third Lust.

This Vintage Pulp Book available

Queer and lesbian pulp fiction novels from the 1950s often used the word "Third" in their titles which signaled to audiences that the book was about lesbian and gays.

A third sex or third gender has been around for a long time. Many Native American Tribes believed in a third, even 4th and 5th gender instead of today's commonly held view that genders only break down into two categories- man and woman. Different genders could include the feminine male, the masculine female or an androgynous person.

Third Street Tee Shirts available at

The Third Gender addresses the gender of a person not their biological sex (male, female, intersex). So you can be born a male but feel your true gender is woman.

Also the Third Gender addresses the gender of a person not their sexuality (hetero, homosexuality, bisexuality).

Nevertheless, queer and lesbian pulps found many creative ways to use the word Third.